Thursday, December 27, 2007

Lots of Holidays and Court

Ukrainians love celebrating around this time of year. As a result of this, we will have to wait until January 8 for our first court appearance. In our region, you have to appear twice before the judge. The first time, we the parents, appear before the judge to ask for the soonest day to have the next court appearance and I think we will answer questions from the judge. At the second court day, our little girl along with the director and social worker will be there as well.

Our papers were all ready last Friday, which was around a week after arriving in the region. K had to go to the doctor on two different days for all the medical exams needed. Our facilitator had to gather all documents from the orphanage director, social worker, doctor and who knows where else to take these to court and somewhere along the way to the SDA. Sometimes communication isn't so clear. We think he means one thing, then it turns out opposite. Usually we get it straightened out in the end. I find myself listening to what he says, trying to evaluate what he means, then asking again to make sure we understand. That's one piece of advice I have to anyone coming, make sure you are very clear on what your facilitator is telling you. Even if you have to ask several times.

After court, and I think after the 10 day wait period, then the birth certificate can be applied for from Moscow. The way we understand it is, we have to have officially adopted her here and since she is a 'ward of the state', there is an understanding between Ukraine and Russia that they will honor that and give her original birth certificate. The judge here had no problem changing the place of birth on the birth certificate, but they need the original or maybe permission(?) to do it. At least that's what we understand. Anything is prone to change!

So, back to the celebrating. Our facilitator is gone for two weeks to celebrate the holidays. He is supposed to be back the weekend before court. We're okay. We are set-up to eat two meals at the restaurant that is part of the same building as our apartment. We have the number of a taxi driver who knows where to pick us up and where to take us. Even though it costs $12 a day over and above what we've paid our facilitator/driver. That may not sound like a lot for a few times, but when you add up 2 weeks worth, that is close to $150 or more. US dollars.

At least we do get to see K everyday. Tomorrow morning she plays a lead role in a New Year's program. Can't wait to see it!


Anonymous said...

Oh, that was so thoughtful of you to explain the procedure and timing to us. Thanks!! I'm looking forward to hearing about her part in the New Year program and your time spent with her. Sorry you're caught waiting through the long downtime but so happy for you that you're able to see K every day. It's obvious you're treasuring your time with her! :-)

Anonymous said...

We are so excited for you to bring K home! Will the sending of the Birth Certificate be expedited, or will it take two months where you will have to fly back to the US and return to get K? Maybe the BC will miraculously appear just like the original paperwork did when you arrived! Our God is big and He moves mountains! Even mountains of paperwork!We are enjoying the blogs and e-mails and find it a privilege to pray with you through this journey in your lives!

Nataliya said...

Happy New Year and good luck in court on Tuesday!