Sunday, June 14, 2009

Crazy Busy

Yesterday, we were sitting here at the internet place when the lady in charge decided to turn off all the computers because of lightning. They have four new computers for the internet. They are so much nicer than the old slow ones they had last year. I had a terrible time last year typing for any length of time with the old keyboards.

Anyway, we have been kept very busy ever since our SDA appointment on Wednesday morning at 9am. Things went very well. We received our referral the same evening, then raced off to catch the train. We met a couple from Mississippi and saw another couple we met on the plane. They had their SDA appointment the day before, but had to wait for their referral because the lady who signs them was off on Tuesday.

Now, on to the news, I'm sure you're waiting to hear. We arrived in S-town at 8:50 am. We were met by our friend's taxi driver and another taxi because we had too much luggage. Eighty percent of our luggage is shoes, clothes and toys for the kids. We grew to know and love so many of these kids during our last visit, that we just had to bring them some things. I thought we had agreed to wait until the last to give them their toys, but Dennis is so anxious to give the toys to them, he said we would take some tomorrow. We'll see. We love giving them things, but we can't bring them loads of stuff every day. They will come to expect it.

After departing the train, we drive to S-town and unload our stuff at our now very familiar apartment. They are ready for us with the keys. It looks exactly the same except I believe they did finally get a new mattress for that extremely saggy bed. It had two valleys on each side with a hill in the middle. LOL We then drive to the inspector's office. I recognize her right away. It took her a few minutes to realize who we were even after she saw Karina. Karina had grown and changed so much in the last year. The facilitator, Dennis, Karina and I squeeze into the back seat of this oh-so-little-car with the inspector in the front seat. Anyone who's been here knows what I'm talking about. The director is not in today, so we meet with the assistant director, N, and the head of the teachers along with T. T is excited to see us all. If you knew her, you would definitely know this is very good. She is very shy. They are telling us all the good things about her. She is then asked to write a statement that she wants to be adopted by us and go to America. The inspector asked her to do this so that she won't have to make another visit to the orphanage. She writes a paper with the proper wording and signs her last name. This is so much better than the first time we arrived in December 2007. T was very stand-offish and told everyone she didn't know whether she wanted to come with us and wanted 2 days to think about it. This time, though, we told her we needed to decide on her new middle name. She will keep her first name. Karina came on this trip to be our interpreter, but at this moment she was busy talking to some of the other kids. T does her little pouty face and I don't understand why. I was afraid she was wanting to change her mind. What she wanted was to tell Karina what she had decided her middle name should be. Gabriella. She wanted the name of a High School Musical character. We are thrilled because this means she has been thinking about it!:) She is anxious to come. She's afraid her aunt will interfere. We have told her that this is her decision. She has all the say. Of course, we want her to come, but only if it is really what she wants. And it is!:)


Jarka said...

oh this is great!!! I´m so glad that she wants to come home with you :) ...and Gabriella is beautiful name :D

Natalie said...

So glad to hear the trip has gone very well! I think T picking the name of Gabriella from HSM is amusing! Yarek has already gone through several of our DVDs and told us which one's he's seen already in Russian. Unfortunately one of them is American Pie. Not exactly what we'd let him watch here at home. Not for a few years at least.

So how do you like your facilitator and taxi driver? Email privately if you want.


Jeri said...

I saw your photo montage and the "fixin' to be a Texan"...we live near Austin. Adopted our son from Sumy, Ukraine in 2000. Are you anywhere near central Texas?

Dunham Family said...

So glad things are moving right along for you. Will be praying for you through the process.

adopting2fromUkraine said...

Hi Jeri,

No. We're in SE TX. We live north of that 'little' town north of Galveston;)
