Monday, May 18, 2009

We are really going

We are actually going back to Ukraine. A flood of worries--money, travel, missing work, SDA, more money, and more money. Then something I have chosen not to think about a lot--children
happy to see you that want your attention, some with dirty faces and worn shoes. I can see several children I know by name. I see the old man who is a caretaker with his thick glasses that always seems happy to see us. Karina says he buys them candy and things. I need to take him a gift.
All the worries of going fade with the thoughts of seeing it all again. It's like jumping off the high dive, it's scary, but you have done it before, and you know how cool it really is. I wasn't planning on returning this quickly, but I know it is for the best now. Also, I can't imagine considering this my last trip to Ukraine.

Papa Dennis


Dave Baldacchino said...

Did you guys hear about your appointment date yet?

The Flying Eagle said...

congratulations!!!! We are thinking of returning as well. Just curious who your facilitator is and if you are using the same one.
Thanks! Monica
monica dot massie at agedwards dot com

Anonymous said...

I am so excited for you! We have two boys from Russia and a girl from the Ukraine. Our first trip also changed us, I want to change the world for those kids. I am so glad to see other people feel the same way and doing something about it. Congratulations!

Dawn said...

Thank you for your continued support and reading of my blog. We'll pray for you as you travel back to Ukraine to select another child. May God lead you every step of the way!

S and T said...

Now you get to experience Ukraine in the Summer. You two are amazing! T will be so happy to see you. As will so many of the other children at the orphange.