Monday, June 23, 2008

Day off.

Today I took Karina to the community pool. She can beg me for hours to take her. She jumps off the diving board with the rest of the kids. I could tell she wanted to make friends with some of the kids there.

She is still very small and skinny. She remembers her birth mother and has shared some memories with us. I think they are typical of a lot of Ukraine children. There is more physical and mental abuse than I would have wanted her or any child to endure. I think she understands that it is all part of the past.

I talked to an old friend today that adopted a toddler from Russia ten years ago. I still remember picking his daughter up ten years ago and thinking how small she was for her age. It was good to hear from him and good to talk to someone who understands.


1 comment:

Leslie said...

What is it about the pool? Kristina asks daily to go swimming! Good to hear Karina is trusting you and sharing her story.