Saturday, March 29, 2008

Better Day

I have a better perspective today. But, I'm allowed to be down just a little occasionally, right? I'm sure a lot of my negativeness the other day was because we are missing both of our boys' birthdays. One turns 19 today.

Also, I haven't been getting as much sleep as I should. The sun comes up here around 5am. That's a lot earlier than at home. It's closer to 7am there.

We have two weeks behind us so we are that much closer to going home. I'm sure things will change this next week and once we are home, Karina will adjust just fine. She's very bright and has already taught herself to somewhat sound out English words. She just needs to get over her stubborness and let us correct her when she's wrong;)


Caroline said...

You're *allowed* to be down???
June! That's the understatement of the year!! LOL :-D By all means, *Yes*! After having been through everything you've struggled through since *December*?? It's sounds as though you're handling everything with great grace under much pressure--much better than I would have. You're at the tail end of a very hard and tiring time. ((hug)) Kudos to you and your husband for your endurance and obvious practical parenting. Well done!

S and T said...

Happy Birthday to Patrick (today) and David (Monday)! You are entitled to a day or two of feeling blue. It's hard to be away from home and family on special days and holidays. I hope things move along quickly so you can get Karina home!

Anonymous said...

I really appreciate you being transparent. Every day is not a bed of roses and you are sharing with all of us some of the realities of adoption. Thank you for allowing us to be a part of your journey, the good days and the not so good days. You bless us with your honesty.