Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Holding Pattern

We arrived back home three weeks ago. We all took turns being sick, but I think we are all well now.

Our facilitator told us that he was going to Moscow last Monday to get our daughter's birth certificate. He is supposed to contact us when he gets back to Ukraine. We haven't heard anything yet, so we are assuming he is still waiting on the birth certificate. Apparently, this is a very unusual thing for an adopted child in Ukraine to have a birth certificate from another country. It seems to be complicated even though Ukraine used to be part of Russia. Ukraine was it's own country when our daughter was born, though. We have been told that Moscow is a difficult region, so they were not sure how long this would take or how many 'officials' the birth certificate would have to go through. We are hoping that the original birth certificate with her new adopted name can be issued quickly, like in a day or two or three and taken to the town where she is. But then again, are things really that simple in Ukraine? The judge has already agreed to change her birthplace, but he wanted an original Moscow birth certificate since that is the way they do things in Moscow. In Ukraine, they just change the birth certificate and it usually takes only a day.

We're not sure about all of the specifics, but our facilitators told us that since our daughter has been in the custody of Ukraine, that she is a citizen of Ukraine, even though she was born in Moscow. There is supposed to be an understanding between Russia and Ukraine, that Russia will honor the legal documents of Ukraine that have declared us to be her parents.

We don't quite understand how she is a citizen of Ukraine when she was born in Moscow. It could be that she is a citizen of Ukraine because her mother is/was actually a citizen of Ukraine. I guess it's not like the US. From what I understand, all you have to do is to be born in the US to be a citizen. I thought it was that way everywhere. Then again, I remember reading about Ukraine citizens going to another country to work, having a child and abandoning it. The child ends up in the orphanage of that country, but is still a Ukrainian citizen. This child was stuck in this system unable to be adopted in this country or returned to Ukraine.

Anyhow, we are praying to hear that all this is cleared up soon and would appreciate others praying with us. This is really a very difficult situation to be in. We have a daughter that is stuck in another country and have no idea when we can go get her. She is very anxious to come home to us and we are just as anxious to have her here.


Nataliya said...

I hope the situation with the birth certificate will be resolved soon! I know, the citinzenship in former Soviet republics is a very confusing subject, but let's hope for the best! Maybe you should e-mail your facilitator for the latest status?

Caroline said...

Glad you're feeling better, but so sorry to hear of this frustrating delay for your family! My prayers are definitely continuing for you all. It's good that Karina is old enough to certainly understand the situation and therefore be able to be more patient and know you are definitely coming back for her, but it still must be so *hard* for her to be between two worlds.
(Encouraging Hug!)

Tami said...

UGH! How frustrating. Our facilitator had told us of a similar story on an adoption he worked on a few years ago. He was able to get the birth certificate without too much trouble, so hopefully you'll be hearing something soon. In the meantime, we'll be praying! :)

Anonymous said...

Love the video.

Love to hear and read about other's stories. Congrats on your newest addition.


Kathie said...

Just came across your blog. We adopted two boys from Berdyansk, UK in Oct. 06. Elliott (16 yrs)was born in Moldova and had to be left behind until our facilitator could go to Moldova and take care of his birth certificate. My husband was able to return to get him 6 weeks later. Please feel free to e-mail me personally if you would like more details.
I will pray for a quick resolve, grace and favor for you and your new daughter.
Kathie Schweickert

junglemama said...

Hope you get the birth cert soon! THree weeks must seem like an eternity. Have faith, you will be back in Ukraine in no time! We will be making two trips too.