Friday, February 29, 2008

The Wind is Changing

Remember, when Burt said that on the movie, 'Mary Poppins'? It signaled that something was about to happen. I probably know most of that movie by heart, because when our daughter was 3 years old, (now she's 24) she couldn't get enough of watching that movie. It drove my mother-in-law crazy!

Well, the wind is changing in our lives. God IS moving!

Stay Tuned:)


Nataliya said...

Great!!! Hopefully you'll be able to bring your daughter home very soon!

Caroline said...

Yay! I just came back here wanting to encourage you. I am continuing to pray for you to soon be able to bring your Karina home. ...And here to read it is now possibly happening! Yes!! A wisp of wind bringing good news! Come on birth certificate!!

Steve Eimers said...

Wow, it is hard to believe we were in Kiev together In early-mid December!

I hope that the changing wind brings good news!